Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for the Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation


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Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus- Food Bank Network

Since 1989 the Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus has been collecting the production surplus of the food supply chain, and by means of its network of 21 organizations spread all over the country, it has been redistributing it to over 8.898 charitable organizations that assist the poor and the needy all over Italy. The Banco Alimentare Network collects foodstuffs which are still perfectly edible but, having lost their commercial value, would be destined to destruction. These foodstuffs are saved from waste, recover their value and become a richness for those who have too little. The main supplying sources of the Banco Alimentare Network are: food industry, organized large-scale retail trade, and collective catering service.

Related sector

  • C - Manufacturing
    • Manufacture of food products
    • Manufacture of beverages
  • G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

SI Lead organisation

Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus - Non-State actor ( Non-governmental, not for profit, organisations (NGO) )

SI Scope

Milan (Italy)

SI Process

Start Date: January 1990 End Date: N/A

Start Date: January 1990 End Date: N/A

Start Date: January 1990 End Date: Ongoing

Link to H2020 SI Priorities

  • Raw materials conscious sustainable lifestyle
  • Eco-solutions to reduce raw materials use
  • Climate action by sustainable lifestyle
  • Resource efficient sustainable lifestyles

SI Type

  • Organisational / Business model - Over years Food Banks have developed an organizational innovation answering to complementary needs: the generation of surplus food by the food chain and food aid for charitable organizations. Food Banks represent a genial idea which has acquired form and structure over time: a new operational and win-win approach that involves public institutions, the profit and non-profit sectors.The FBAO drives and coordinates the activity of a network of 21 Food Banks in Italy. Some figures about the logistics of the Food Bank Network: 38,630 sq.m. of warehouses; 11,264 sq.m. of refrigerators positive temperature; 1,605 sq.m. of refrigerators negative temperature. In addition, the Food Bank Network implemented an Integrated ITC System, called SIR, with the following objectives: an integrated management of logistics and warehouses, allowing exchanges between different Food Banks; an attentive management in relation to the quality and safety of food products (management of food traceability, compliance with rules on hygiene and food safety); an efficient management of “just in time” logistics (e.g. cooked and chilled food products); an efficient management of partnerships with a CRM system, both in relation to food donors and final beneficiaries; the interaction between information related to logistics and the supply and those relating to the nature and needs of charitable organizations and their beneficiaries;bthe availability of aggregated data which are developed at national level.The Siticibo programme aims at recovering and distributing chilled and cooked food products, a very perishable category of food, from the distribution and the catering sectors.The Food Bank Network operate thanks to 43 refrigerated trucks (positive temperature); 19 refrigerated trucks (negative temperature); and 23 non-refrigerated trucks.
  • Social (incl. behavioural) - The initiative was born to fight against food waste to feed the most deprived. The innovation includes many activities to promote a charitatable culture and behaveour within citizens
  • System - The project includes a change in the way private business operate (retail, restourants, etc.). The recognition of the social value of Food Banks has lead to develop a strong partnership with the private sector, which can design its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy as an extension of its core business. The private sector can manage their CSR commitments with the same high standards and professionalism as they conduct their commercial activities, but for the common good of society.
  • Governance - FBAO has influenced the political decision-making at both national and international level. On 16 October 2013 the FBAO organized an event aimed at raising awareness about how the Good Samaritan Law made it possible to fight food wastage during the last decade in Italy.The European Federation of Food Banks (FEBA) organised a public hearing in the European Parliament on 25 April to discuss food surpluses in Europe and ways that these surpluses could be recovered to feed those who struggle for adequate food in the EU.Food Banks are committed to ensure the highest standards of safety to deliver wholesome food to charitable organizations and to their final beneficiaries, the most deprived. High standards of safety are applied thanks to a template framework agreement that is defined and signed with food donors and charitable organizations receiving food. The FBAO and Caritas Italiana, in collaboration with the Sacro Cuore Catholic University and the Ministry for Health, are currently developing a guide to good practice in fulfillment of the requirements laid down by Law No. 147/2013, in accordance with Art. 8 of Regulation (CE) No. 852/2004.

SI Objectives

  • The mission of Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus consists in the daily recovery of surplus food from the food supply chain and its redistribution to 8.898 charitable organizations that assist almost 2 million of deprived people in Italy. The recovery and redistribution of food products to disadvantaged people is essential not only in view of food security, but also in order to improve the sustainability of food systems and to reduce the impact of food waste on the environment
  • Food Banks fight against food waste to feed the most deprived

SI Origin

The Food Bank Foundation Onlus (FBAO) was born in Milan in 1989 and it has acquired the status of a non-profit organization in 1999. From the beginning it has contributed to the birth and growth of each “Food Bank” subsequently formed in Italy, so as to spread more and more its model of social action. In 2008, the FBAO acknowledges in his new laws, the Food Bank Network, which guides and coordinates. To date the project cover all the national territory and the participating members are non-profit organizations that have been authorized to use their logo and brand name ’Food Bank’

SI Factors of success

  • Economic - The innovation has been successful and has spread thanks to the possibilities offered to companies to reduce costs for waste disposal
  • Political - The Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus is a serious organization that has been able to communicate with all types of actors - companies , charitable organizations, religious institutions , policy makers and so on - adapting its language and communication models to the different kind of institutions and thus being able to change behavior at different levels.
  • Social - The innovation has spread due to a strong committment of volounteers and citizens (3000 in the last year). Moreover, has built over time a strong and practical image of reliability that allows today it to play a prominent role of influence in society, at both national and European level
  • Ethical - The innovation was born from the idea the people with a strong religious faith and strongly oriented to the creation of the common good


  • Primary - Direct contact with the founders and employees of Food Bank Network Direct engagement of Unimib researchers in the activities of the Food Bank Network
  • Secondary - Web site includes many information on the activities and the history of the project The annual social balances published by the Food Bank Network include many information on past and present outcomes of the Food Bank Network Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus won the tender on ’ Best Practices ’ proposed by Feeding Knowledge (program of Expo Milano 2015 ) for cooperation in research and innovation on Food Security. Many information on the SI are reported on the Award web site.
  • Tertiary - Case study used for academic purposes deeply report on strengths and weekness of the innovation