Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for the Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation


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Transition Now

Transition Now (Omstilling Nu) is a network and a project platform that works to create transition to a sustainable future society. This requires action, innovation and not least a common effort from both politicians and citizens. The network aims at providing opportunity for open interdisciplinary dialogue related to new sustainable solutions. It includes activities such as large scale seminars, monthly debate cafées and guidelines for citizens, all focused on how to move towards a sustainable society.

Related sector

  • J - Information and communication
  • P - Education

SI Lead organisation

Transition Now - Civil society ( Citizens / Individuals / Consumers )

SI Scope


SI Process

Start Date: February 2013 End Date: Ongoing

In 2013 a seminar brought together 50 young people to talk about sustainable transition. In order to continue the started dialogue, participants established Transition Now, which today has more than 100 members and a wide range of activities.

Link to H2020 SI Priorities

  • Eco-innovation and green economy transition
  • Climate action by sustainable lifestyle
  • Resource efficient sustainable lifestyles

SI Type

  • Social (incl. behavioural) - The main aim of the Transition Now is to provide new way of organising green advocacy work. It was not intended to be just another green organisation and therefore it was established as an “open source network” with a central coordinating group and communication structure (webpage and email newsletters) which gives opportunity for people with visions, ideas and will to get together and coordinate activities.

SI Objectives

  • To create a transition to a sustainable future society
  • To provide a platform for dialogue between citizens, professionals, academia and politicians.

SI Origin

On February, 23rd 2013 the Danish green think tank CONCITO and the newspaper Dagbladet Information hosted a seminar for 50 young people interested in the numerous challenges that surround our society today: climate change, resource depletion, environmental degradation, financial crisis, economic crisis, unemployment and social unrest. During the seminar, participants had the chance to analyse the situation in depth and to come up with creative, innovative, pragmatic and radical ideas. They continued their cooperation after the seminar and established the Transition Now which today is an independent entity.

SI Factors of success

  • Political - To create political awareness and action towards a sustainable transition of society.
  • Social - To create awareness and an action platform for citizens and other actors
  • Ethical - A change in the way we make society move towards a ’green mindset’


  • Primary - Network webpage: Information on objectives, visions, activities and players.
  • Secondary - Newspaper articles: Background information and one interview